Please read through and agree to the Terms and Conditions below for your child to continue to attend sessions at Active Gym.

These Terms come into place from the 31st of May 2024 for existing club members. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to fill in the agreement.

To view as a PDF format, please click here.

Terms and Conditions

The conditions for parents/carers who have enrolled their child into sessions at Active Gym.

Upon joining Active Gym (referred to below as “the club” or “we”) you have agreed to the club’s terms and conditions. These are found below.

Session booking conditions

There are two types of session bookings at Active Gym are subscription sessions and holiday camps.

Subscription sessions

These are our weekly recurring classes, including Preschool, Mini Gym, Foundation and Squad sessions. Trials for these sessions are free of charge (one per gymnast) and are available to book via our website (excluding Squad trials which are invite-only). The trial you attend is for the session you will attend in future.

Our subscription sessions run for around 42 weeks of the year, with two-week closures at Christmas and Easter, and a six-week closure during the Summer holidays. Payment for these sessions is made in 11 monthly instalments on the 1st of each month of the year, excluding August. Each monthly payment is the same amount and does not change dependent on the number of weeks in the month.

Payments are collected monthly through Direct Debit using GoCardless. There are a limited number of spaces at our club, with a high demand from our waiting list. Due to this you must ensure that your payments happen on time, which is on the 1st of the month. If you are late with a payment or a payment fails, you will be notified by email that the payment has failed. Our system will automatically retry the payment several days later, however you will be provided with the option to pay via BACS prevent this from happening. It is your responsibility to communicate payments made to the club.

If your payment fails for a second time, then a second email will be sent notifying you that your child’s membership at Active Gym is temporarily suspended. This is to prevent you from going into arrears. Your child will not be able to attend sessions during this period. If you are going through financial difficulties, please contact the club through email.

If you do not respond within 7 days of the second email being sent out, then your child’s membership will be cancelled, and their place will be lost to a gymnast on our waiting list. Your child will not be able to return to the club until the outstanding balance is paid along with a £10.00 admin fee that will be added to your account. As your child’s space in the session will have been filled by another gymnast, your child may have to go through the waiting list before rejoining the session. Please contact us via email to discuss this further.

All communication regarding payment must be completed via email to and not to the coaching team.


If you would like to cancel your monthly subscription, this must be done through email. Please email your cancellation notice to Cancellation notices will not be accepted in person.

We require a two-week cancellation notice to allow the club time to fill your child’s space in the session. This is necessary due to the high maintenance costs required to run a gymnastics club.

Your cancellation notice must be emailed in by or on the 15th of the previous month. For example, if you wish to cancel your membership from April onwards, you will need to send in your cancellation notice by the 15th of March at the latest to give us the mandatory two-week’s notice. Active Gym will then process your cancellation for you, and there will be nothing further for you to do.

Cancelling your payment will not be considered as a cancellation notice. If you have not cancelled in line with the club’s cancellation policy, you will be contacted with the closing balance of your membership to pay. For example, if cancel your payment on the 20th of March, membership fees will still be taken for April.

If you have cancelled your membership outside our cancellation policy, the following will occur.

Your child will not be permitted to return to the club until the outstanding balance is paid along with a £10.00 admin fee that will be added to your account.

The club may pass on your debt to a third-party agency to regain the lost funds.

Please remember to contact Active Gym via email at if you are experiencing financial difficulties and the club will review its options with supporting you.

A temporary or permanent ban from the club may be enforced if at any point these terms are breached.

Holiday camps

Holiday camps run on a pay-per-session basis. Online booking secures your space in the session, and payment for the session is accepted in cash upon arrival. If you child cannot attend their holiday camp booking, cancellation must be made 48 hours before through our website. If you cancel within 48 hours of the session you will still be charged.

A temporary or permanent ban from the club may be enforced if at any point these terms are breached.


Absence due to medical purpose

If your child is unable to attend the club due to medical reasons, please contact the club via email to discuss the best options regarding freezing you child’s membership until they can return. This is only applicable for long term illness of four weeks or longer.

Absence due to sickness

Your child must be symptom free for 48 hours before returning to the club and must show no signs of symptoms in the case of diarrhoea. Please consult your child’s doctor if you are unsure. We are unable to offer a refund if your child is ill and misses a session. We can however offer a credit for your child to attend a make-up session in the same or following week. Please contact the club via email to arrange this.

Absence due to holidays

We are unable to offer a refund if your child is away for session due to a holiday, school trip, sleepover or other non-medical reason. We can however offer a credit for your child to attend a make-up session in the same or following week. Please contact the club via email to arrange this.

Absence due to club cancellation

In rare circumstances, Active Gym may have to cancel sessions. Reasons for this may include power outages, extreme temperatures and/or weather or other safety concerns. In this case, you will be able to decide whether you would like your child to receive a credit for an additional session in the same or next week, a discount on a holiday camp session or a reduction on the fees for the following month.

Your responsibilities

When your child joined our club, you filled out a registration form for them to have their trial session. It is your responsibility to inform the club of any changes to your child’s condition to the information listed on the original form. In the event of a change to your child’s condition, it is the club’s opinion whether your child needs further consultation from their doctor before they can continue that will be final.

Codes of conduct for gymnasts are available on our website and around the club. Gymnasts must follow all instructions given to them by the venue and coaches. Gymnasts are expected to show respect to coaches, other gymnasts, other members of the public at all times.

We reserve the right to refuse entry or to ask gymnasts to leave the club if they break the codes of conduct. This decision will be final and without a refund.

Gymnasts and parents/carers are not permitted to bring mobile phones, other recording devices or distractions into the training area of the gymnasium. Recording of any kind is forbidden, aside from when using the club-owned tablet or mobile phone.

Smoking and vaping on the premises are forbidden. Food and drink are not permitted inside the training area of the gymnasium, but gymnasts are encouraged to bring water to sessions for drinks breaks away from the training area.

Gymnasts should not arrive to sessions more than 5 minutes early or more than 15 minutes late and should not leave sessions more than 10 minutes after the finish time to avoid congestion and ease registration and dismissal.

Its important that you and your party read the parent/carer codes of conduct on that are available on our website and around the club. This is designed to ensure that your child gains the most from their sessions with us and that all gymnasts are safe during sessions. You will be liable for any damage caused to the property or facilities by your child.


Gymnasts are to wear appropriate clothing for sport during sessions. This includes leotards, t-shirts, shorts, hoodies, tracksuit bottoms, leggings and grip socks. Gymnasts must not wear jeans, open jackets (must be zipped up or removed), buckles, oversized hoodies, dresses, skirts and socks.

All jewellery must be removed before the session begins. This includes stud earrings. If jewellery cannot be removed such as newly pierced earrings or religious jewellery, it must be covered by medical tape or a sweatband. Necklaces are not permitted under any circumstance.

Health and safety

Gymnasts and parents/carers must comply with the health and safety regulations defined by the club. Gymnasts may not enter the training area whilst their coach is not present and must inform their coach if they wish to leave the training area before the end of the session, even when temporarily.

Gymnasts may not attend sessions if they have contagious infections, any open wounds, ear infections, chickenpox, conjunctivitis, flu, serious colds or COVID-19.

Disputes and resolution

Any dispute related to this contract will attempt to be resolved through negotiations between representatives of either party who have the authority to settle such disputes. If the matter is not resolved within 30 days of written invitation to negotiate being received, then the matter will be moved to an ADR in an attempt to resolve the dispute in good faith.

In the case that one of the parties will not participate in the ADR, or if the dispute is not resolved within 60 days of the ADR initiating, the dispute may be referred to arbitration by any of the parties.

Nothing in this clause shall be construed as prohibiting either party or its affiliate from applying to a court for interim injunctive relief.

Whole agreement

These Terms and Conditions between Active Gym and the parent/carer of the gymnast supersede any previous terms and conditions or agreements made, either written or verbal. These Terms and Conditions represent the whole agreement between the parties. No modifications to the Terms and Conditions will be accepted unless in writing and signed by an authorised representative of Active Gym.

Privacy agreement

Your information is stored in our register to contact you in case of emergency, such as accident or incident involving your child. We also use your information to update on you changes to the club, through email, text message and letter.

We do not share your data with other parties. Your data and your child’s data is stored securely in our register files and in our digital phonebook on the club’s mobile phone. These are only digitally accessible on password protected devices by authorised representatives of the club. This data is also securely stored in a locked box at the centre, inside a locked room and attached to the venue itself. This locked box is only accessible by authorised representatives of the club. Any printed documents that use your child’s name such as certificate assessment sheets are destroyed once used.

For the day-to-day activities of the club, we follow our own Policies and Procedures in combination with the British Gymnastics Policies and Procedures.